If areas of your site do not have easy access to a clean potable water supply, making sure you have the correct emergency response and safety equipment can be challenging.
For a lot of locations, immediate access to a first response skin and eye flushing system is critical. This first aid response can, in many cases, arrest the immediate problems caused by chemical splash on skin and eyes. It can also allow time to get the injured person to a compliant flow of flushing water for the 15min period as recommended by ANSI-2014 , EN15154 and AS4775.
The SS3065 and SS3140 Self- Contained Safety Shower and eyewash is the flexible and portable solution. This unit comes mounted on a stainless steel trolley with pneumatic wheels to navigate tough terrain.
It can fit through most doorways making it suitable to use almost anywhere indoors or out.
What are the benefits of these mobile units?
The SS3065 and SS3140 range provides proximity response within 10 seconds of a hazard. This offers rapid access for casualties, which is proven to help reduce serious injury and damage to eyesight.
Delivering shower water at 76 litres per minute, and eyewash water at 12 litres per minute.
Designed to be easy to set up, the plastic-lined cylinder is charged with pressure and only requires the connection of a hose from a water main to fill it ready for use.
Its compact design allows it to be stored easily when not in use, and the stainless-steel frame and large tyres ensure that the cylinder can be freely moved and manoeuvred as required, by just one person.
The covered eye/face wash protects the bowl and diffusers against dust and debris and is easy to activate by lifting the lid.
Suitable for a range of industries:
With the construction industry it’s important for safety equipment to be adaptable to meet the implementation of new building methods or infrastructure processes. As new hazards transpire or complications arise, the workplace needs to evolve quickly and efficiently to ensure the safety of workers. The mobile range is popular with this industry as the unit can be moved closer to a hazard with ease.
Water utilities
Hydrofluoric acid, Sodium Hypochlorite, Calcium Hypochlorite and similar chemicals used in water treatment processes can be extremely hazardous to workers. Chemicals can be absorbed through the skin from contact with wastewater or sludge. To prevent further injury, safety showers need to be placed within 15 metres of a potential hazard. Where stationary units are unsuitable, mobile units can be placed next to the hazard to provide a rapid means of access to decontamination in the event of a spill or splash.
Distribution centres can contain a variety of chemical hazards, from the storing and delivery of harmful substances to cleaning chemicals and vehicle fuel for forklifts. Logistics centres often struggle to access a water supply in areas where safety showers are required. Ideal for the fastpaced moveable nature of the fulfilment industry, the flexibility of moving a mobile unit from indoor to outdoor with the addition of a heated or insulated jacket is perfect for this application.
Mine workers are exposed to many chemical risks on a daily basis. The most common chemical-related injuries reported in the industry are burns caused by acids and alkalis. To ensure spills of these substances are flushed from the skin and eyes rapidly to minimise injury, emergency safety showers and eye/face wash equipment must be located within 10 seconds of a hazard. However, if a chemical is considered particularly dangerous, the equipment should be placed immediately adjacent to the hazard. The mobile range ensures this level of proximity on such remote sites.
Automotive industry
Chemical hazards are present at every stage of vehicle production. With a large workforce, the risk of a chemical spill or splash is therefore high in automotive manufacturing plants. It is essential that employees who are exposed to hazardous substances have access to appropriate safety showers and eye/face wash equipment.
A standby solution
It’s clear to see that the features of these mobile units are beneficial for many and varied industries, climates and environments. It’s important to note that they are designed to be a supplementary unit to permanent plumbed-in safety showers as they cannot provide the ANSI-2014 , EN15154 and AS4775 required 15 minutes of potable water.